When We Think, Feel, Do: The Integration Blueprint for Real Climate Action
Discover how integrating thought, heart, and action can transform the climate crisis into a polyopportunity for real change. This post explores the power of conscious leadership for climate action, drawing inspiration from the collective energy of Carnaval and community-driven solutions. Learn how aligning awareness with meaningful, embodied action can lead to a sustainable future for both people and the planet.
Integration: what you need to know
Amánda Efthimiou has had life-changing experiences with psychedelics, no doubt. But to her, integration is everything. That’s why in her integration coaching and consulting practice, she regularly works with people who’ve never once even touched a psychedelic substance.
We asked Amánda what psychedelic retreats and clinics often get wrong about integration, how corporations are using integration for leadership development, and why psychedelics aren’t the total solution many people make them out to be.
The Role of Music in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy: Bridging Neuroscience, Tradition, and Modern Care
Unlocking the Full Potential of Psilocybin Experiences: the Crucial Role of Integration
How integration amplifies the benefits of psilocybin. Practical tips and personal insights that can help you make the most of your altered-states experiences.
Unifying Science, Technology, and Nature to Optimize Human Potential: Reflections from the Biohacker Summit
Exploring biohacking and psychedelic integration for optimal human potential.
Launch of Online Psychedelic Integration Training
Launch of Online Psychedelic Integration Training
The Power of Somatics and Embodiment Practices in Integrating Altered States of Consciousness
The Power of Somatics and Embodiment Practices in Integrating Altered States of Consciousness
Challenging Monoculture: A Multidimensional Perspective on Forests, Psychedelics, and Cultural Diversity
Challenging Monoculture: A Multidimensional Perspective on Forests, Psychedelics, and Cultural Diversity
Mindfulness in Action: Marty Zalewski on the Path to Joyful Integration and Purposeful Leadership
Mindfulness in Action: Marty Zalewski on the Path to Joyful Integration and Purposeful Leadership
Psychedelic Integration: Clinical Insights
Psychedelic Integration: Clinical Insights
Psychedelic Integration Training for Facilitators: Expert Insights on Altered States from a Clinical Psychologist
Psychedelic Integration Training for Facilitators: Expert Insights on Altered States from a Clinical Psychologist
Altered States of Consciousness from Dust to Dawn: A Trip Sitter's Guide to Psychedelics at Burning Man
Altered States of Consciousness from Dust to Dawn: A Trip Sitter's Guide to Psychedelics at Burning Man
The__Dream Unveiled: How Psychedelic Integration Shapes the Future of Business
The__Dream Unveiled: How Psychedelic Integration Shapes the Future of Business
Bridging Altered States and Transformational Healing
Psychedelic Integration: Bridging Altered States and Transformational Healing
Psychedelic Integration: Exploring the Shadow in Psychedelics Experiences
Psychedelic Integration: Unveiling the Shadow in Psychedelics Experiences