Optimizing for Life’s Most

Impactful Moments 

Bridging altered-states, neuroscience, and sacred traditions for authentic & purposeful living.

Amánda is a mental health advocate, speaker, and weaver of traditional wisdom with applied neuroscience. Her mission is to empower visionary leaders and change-makers to live more authentic and purposeful lives. She founded INTEGRA that designs for inner & outer regenerative transformation.

Meet Amánda Argot

Amánda explores how consciousness can transform, from self to society. As a mental health advocate and facilitator, she architects experiences that empowers people to connect to themselves, to others and to the natural world.

Her approach uniquely bridges traditional knowledge systems with scientific insights. She’s informed both by her MSc in Neuroscience, where she focused on the therapeutic potential of psychedelic medicines, and her nonprofit sector experience supporting indigenous ecosystems regeneration and bioculture preservation in the Amazon basin.

Amánda’s expertise is sought after among organizations driving the future in the health and wellness, environmental science, technology and design sectors. Through her company INTEGRA, she facilitates interdisciplinary workshops worldwide, creating spaces for conscious leaders and innovators to transform their inner states towards outer regenerative impact.

How We Collaborate

  • Keynote Speaking, Workshops & Facilitation

  • Consulting & Special Projects

  • Coaching & Mentorship



Featured in podcasts specializing in personal growth, leadership, and health & wellness.

Most recent appearances:

“The urge to transcend self-conscious selfhood is, as I have said, a principal appetite of the soul.”

—Aldous Huxley